Item1234: MathModePlugin's latex2img not executable
Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
MathModePlugin's MANIFEST does not make latex2img executable.
After installation, it is necessary to run something like
chmod a+x /var/lib/foswiki/pub/TWiki/MathModePlugin/latex2img
before the plugin will work.
As per
GuidelinesForSecureExtensions, latex2img should be moved to /tools, rather than living in /pub.
BuildContrib might be useful, too, but putting it in
is way better.
WillNorris - 19 Mar 2009
The plugin is still in the (tm)wiki namespace, and it looks like it could be used in a (tm)wiki.
I assume that is intentional, so the change I propose should be able to run under (tm)wiki, too.
I plan to move latex2img to /tools and make it executable via MANIFEST.
The plugin must still be able to find the latex2img if $TWiki::cfg{MathModePlugin}{Latex2Img} is not set,
which means the plugin must be able to find the /tools directory.
There is no offical API for this (yet).
I propose that the plugin must try a number of different ways to find /tools,
and use the first one that contains a latex2img executable:
- $TWiki::cfg{LocalesDir}/../tools
- Assumes that /tools and /locale are in the same directory
- $FindBin::Bin/../tools
- Assumes that /tools and /bin are in the same directory
- Might not work under modperl
The plugin still might not find latex2img.
I propose that
MathModePlugin::Core::renderImages() should return an error message
if the plugin cannot find latex2img.
MichaelTempest - 19 Mar 2009