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Item12515: Create a new ConfigurePlugin

Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Closed
Released In: 2.0.0
Target Release: major
Applies To: Engine
Component: ConfigurePlugin
Branches: trunk master
Reported By: CrawfordCurrie
Waiting For:
Last Change By: GeorgeClark
Configure is in an unfinished state, and, I am concerned that the approach being taken - while perfectly valid - is increasing complexity way beyond where it should be. So I have cherry-picked some of the core Configure code to create the experimental ConfigurePlugin. This provides an RPC interface to the reading, checking and saving support. It still needs (a cut down) configure, but only for initial configuration. Existing configure currently still works as written, but I think this new "lighter" interface should provide a more future-proof approach, as well as significantly lightening the core code and giving us an opportunity to release 1.2.0.

Requirements include:
  1. Able to run from command-line ( Item9880 )
  2. Configure operations can be called using RPC - getspec, check, change etc
  3. Simple UI using jQuery
  4. Existing checkers can be re-used
  5. Basic config (environment, non-negotiable dependencies) done using a stripped-down configure

-- CrawfordCurrie - 29 May 2013

Here are some testing results:
  • failed to find the bin directory. $0 doesn't work under apache suexec. Fix checked in.
  • Data::Structure::Util appears to be an undocumented dependency
  • jsonrpc fails with Unknown encoding '' at /var/www/foswiki/trunk/core/lib/Foswiki/ line 377 when {Site}{CharSet} is set to an empty string.
    • This doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Foswiki runs fine without a CharSet specified, and line 1722 supplies a default, so it should never be empty. The error reports: Encode::encode('', '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"cfgroot_0","result":[{"title":"General...', 0) called at /var/www/foswiki/trunk/core/lib/Foswiki/ line 377 and the encoding is blank. That shouldn't happen, since a print in confirms that it is set to iso-8895-1
  • Noticed that the GUI seems to have issues.
    • The drop-down boxes show the first selection, not the configured value.
    • Some areas appear to be missing data, for ex. only 2 plugins show in the list of enabled plugins.

-- GeorgeClark - 12 Dec 2013

cpanm Data::Structure::Util fails to build. Seems to be broken upstream.

-- MichaelDaum - 03 Aug 2014

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Create a new ConfigurePlugin
ReportedBy CrawfordCurrie
Codebase trunk
SVN Range
AppliesTo Engine
Component ConfigurePlugin
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState Closed
Checkins ConfigurePlugin:8090ee69cac3 ConfigurePlugin:f5d0698789e3 distro:a4760ec58036 distro:a86a15aa7704 ConfigurePlugin:3b51000483b1 ConfigurePlugin:dd2858e506b3 ConfigurePlugin:e42e5bd4c3cc ConfigurePlugin:55ad2c5f69b1 ConfigurePlugin:14f495e84657 ConfigurePlugin:667d7c086ef8 ConfigurePlugin:8e316fb55bb1 ConfigurePlugin:6797f7444d04 distro:911c145a2c08 ConfigurePlugin:ef2409b21cbf distro:02a6d415f204 ConfigurePlugin:3e07c782b01d distro:8f052f77363c distro:f6a0cee785f5 distro:f5ac312503ef distro:e60f7b84736f distro:062df998e55c distro:6c05b6653f4f distro:cfa9f3cec6a7 distro:fcb8aaaa760e distro:fd45c4769304 distro:2caadef1e527 distro:49ee44cbb99c distro:9195fd695a71
TargetRelease major
ReleasedIn 2.0.0
CheckinsOnBranches trunk master
trunkCheckins ConfigurePlugin:8090ee69cac3 ConfigurePlugin:f5d0698789e3 distro:a4760ec58036 distro:a86a15aa7704 ConfigurePlugin:3b51000483b1 ConfigurePlugin:dd2858e506b3 ConfigurePlugin:e42e5bd4c3cc ConfigurePlugin:55ad2c5f69b1 ConfigurePlugin:14f495e84657 ConfigurePlugin:667d7c086ef8 ConfigurePlugin:8e316fb55bb1 ConfigurePlugin:6797f7444d04 distro:911c145a2c08 ConfigurePlugin:ef2409b21cbf distro:02a6d415f204 ConfigurePlugin:3e07c782b01d
masterCheckins distro:8f052f77363c distro:f6a0cee785f5 distro:f5ac312503ef distro:e60f7b84736f distro:062df998e55c distro:6c05b6653f4f distro:cfa9f3cec6a7 distro:fcb8aaaa760e distro:fd45c4769304 distro:2caadef1e527 distro:49ee44cbb99c distro:9195fd695a71
Topic revision: r28 - 05 Jul 2015, GeorgeClark
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