Item12539: "Prevent a Link" breaks table sorting
Priority: Low
Current State: Confirmed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
When starting a cell in a table with an exclamation mark, in order to prevent a
WikiWord getting hyperlinked, this breaks the sorting of the column: even though the exclamation mark is not visible, it results in the row getting sorted at the end.
Example page:
PhilippGortan - 04 Jul 2013
I've updated the test topic with an alternative, which may be a work around for you
JulianLevens - 04 Jul 2013
Thanks, I'll use that for the moment!
PhilippGortan - 13 Jul 2013
In general, it seems that the sort algorithm needs some tweaking, as it does not use the display text for sorting - e.g.:
gets displayed as "AnotherTopic", but sorts with the Ss.
Example page updated.
PhilippGortan - 16 Jul 2013