You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item127 (13 Nov 2008, SvenDowideit)Edit Attach
The Log message, which holds the reason of the commit, is often drowned in the middle of the mail if a long list of files were committed, thus it might be worth to move it up a bit so it's in a fixed position and can be easily spotted while reading any commit mail.

This could be done by moving lines 447-449 from /usr/share/subversion/hook-scripts/ a few lines up (428 seems like a good pick to me).

Maybe we could also add something like:
for( @log ) {

Just an idea... to have directly the link to the Item corresponding to the commit.

working on it smile

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Move Log from mail commit message up, at least before the list of Modified files
ReportedBy TWiki:Main.OlivierRaginel
SVN Range TWiki-4.2.3, Wed, 06 Aug 2008, build 17396
AppliesTo SomethingElse
Component SvnMail
Priority Normal
CurrentState Closed
Checkins distro:e4029b4e7979 distro:3936870e189b distro:b98bcd987739
TargetRelease n/a
Topic revision: r8 - 13 Nov 2008, SvenDowideit
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