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Item12812: support for localised month names for date comparison

Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Confirmed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Engine
Component: I18N, FoswikiTime
Reported By: GuilainCabannes
Waiting For:
Last Change By: GeorgeClark

support for localised month names for date comparison

  • Foswiki::Time only recognise english month
  • support for supporting other langage month should be appreciate
  • specialy when JSCalendarContrib offer localisation of date in data form, and then disable all date comparison.

IRC log archive

  • [...] mean cut part without intereset
13:51:38 - GuilainC : in one search (query type) i've : %SEARCH{" d2n(fields[name='Datededbutdepriodesansmission'].value) > d2n('%DATE%') " 
13:53:51 - GuilainC : and in my dataform i've that : %META:FIELD{name="Datededbutdepriodesansmission" attributes="" title="Date de début de période sans mission" value="4 Avr 2014"}%
13:54:25 - GuilainC : the problem, is the search doesn't work or "today < 4 Avr 2014"
13:54:36 - GuilainC : any help should appreciate :)
14:02:34 - GuilainC : i'm follow a track ! my date are localised in my dataforms
14:02:46 - GuilainC : (french localisation)
14:25:48 - GuilainC : is it possible in search query to call spreadsheetplugin ? 
14:26:08 - jast : I don't think so
14:27:03 - GuilainC : for doing something like this : %CALC{$SUBSTRING(fields[name='foo'],7,4)}% 
14:27:18 - GuilainC : ok...
14:28:48 - jast : right, the constant part you can treat with %CALC
14:28:52 - GuilainC : my idea, was to transform formfield storage date form this format DD/MM/AAAA to an acceptable format for comparison like AAAA/MM/DD
14:28:58 - jast : the part queried from each topic... nope
14:29:27 - GuilainC : with this kind of piece of code %CALC{$FORMATTIME($TIME($SUBSTRING(14/07/1992,7,4)/$SUBSTRING(14/07/1992,4,2)/$SUBSTRING(14/07/1992,1,2)),$day $mon $year)}%
14:30:27 - GuilainC : I forget date comparison, for the moment, and add a status for my search ;) 
14:30:44 - GuilainC : badly development, but enough efficient :) 
14:39:33 - CDot : GuilainC: do you have a locale defined?
14:40:41 - GuilainC : euh... what does it mean ? in configure ? 
14:41:14 - GuilainC : the question is what in data form, date is in french localisation ? DD/MM/YYYY
14:41:17 - GuilainC : ?
14:41:29 - CDot : actually, i just checked and it won't make any difference. Only English month names are recognised.
14:41:52 - CDot : Foswiki::Time::parseDate assumes "Apr" not "Avr"
14:42:50 - GuilainC : it exactly that, 
14:42:54 - GuilainC : for summary, 
14:43:02 - GuilainC : for my user, i use JSCalendarPlugin
14:43:20 - GuilainC : which define date, in dataform in DD Month YYYY 
14:43:38 - GuilainC : where Month is french one : Fev instead of Feb ; Apr instead of Avr
14:43:45 - GuilainC : knowing that, 
14:43:55 - CDot : ... which is localised to France, yes, I understand. However Foswiki::Tine does *not* parse localised dates, only those in English.
14:44:18 - GuilainC : i conclude that d2n() in search query doesn't undertstand french date, so can't make any comparison
14:44:41 - CDot : that's correct. As I said (twice), only English month names are recognised.
14:44:57 - GuilainC : well, I know why it doesn't work ;) 
14:45:06 - GuilainC : precisely, thank for precision
14:45:13 - CDot : sure. You can use ISO format dates (generally a better idea anyway)
14:45:31 - CDot : 2014-04-04
14:45:50 - GuilainC : for computer is a better idea, but for user, is not ;) 

-- GuilainCabannes - 21 Mar 2014


ItemTemplate edit

Summary support for localised month names for date comparison
ReportedBy GuilainCabannes
Codebase 1.1.9, trunk
SVN Range
AppliesTo Engine
Component I18N, FoswikiTime
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState Confirmed
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r2 - 21 Mar 2014, GeorgeClark
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