Item12883: Would like inclusion point for additional form content in EditChapterPlugin dialog.
Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Closed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Two features are missing in the edit chapter dialog that are critical to users of my site, "Summary of changes" from
RevCommentPlugin and "Force new revision".
I was unable to override the behavior of edit.chapter.tmpl with my own edit.myskin.tmpl which has forced me to change edit.chapter.tmpl directly to include these form inputs. I am now worried that my changes will be lost with new versions of
EditChapterPlugin. Perhaps there is a better way to do this that I have not recognized.
If an inclusion point were added to the end of the form in edit.chapter.tmpl then I would be able to specify my site specific content in edit.myskin.tmpl with little worry about plugin upgrades.
For example, edit.chapter.tmpl could be changed to include a reference to "editchapterforminclude":
%TMPL:DEF{"dialog"}%<div class="jqUIDialog {%TMPL:P{"dialog::params"}%}" title="%MAKETEXT{"Edit chapter '[_1]'" args="%URLPARAM{"title" default="%URLPARAM{"from"}%"}%"}%">
<form name="EditForm" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"save"}%" method="post" class="ecpForm">
<input type="hidden" name="topic" value="%WEB%.%TOPIC%" />
<input type="hidden" name="t" value="%GMTIME{"$epoch"}%" />
<input type="hidden" name="redirectto" value="%SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%#%URLPARAM{"id"}%" />
<textarea name="beforetext" style="display:none" >%EXTRACTCHAPTER{before="%URLPARAM{"from" default="0"}%" encode="on"}%</textarea>
<textarea name="chapter" class="foswikiTextarea natedit" rows="%EDITBOXHEIGHT%" cols="%EDITBOXWIDTH%" wrap="virtual">%EXTRACTCHAPTER{from="%URLPARAM{"from" default="0"}%" to="%URLPARAM{"to"}%" encode="on"}%</textarea>
<textarea name="aftertext" style="display:none">%EXTRACTCHAPTER{after="%URLPARAM{"to"}%" encode="on"}%</textarea>
<textarea name="text" style="display:none" >%EXTRACTCHAPTER{encode="on"}%</textarea>
<input type="hidden" name="from" value="%URLPARAM{"from" default="0"}%" />
<input type="hidden" name="to" value="%URLPARAM{"to"}%" />
%{ include optional form content }%
<a class="jqUIDialogButton jqUIDialogSubmit {icon:'ui-icon-disk'}">%MAKETEXT{"OK"}%</a>
<a class="jqUIDialogButton jqUIDialogClose {icon:'ui-icon-cancel'}">%MAKETEXT{"Cancel"}%</a>
<a class="jqUIDialogButton {icon:'ui-icon-pencil'}" href="%SCRIPTURL{"edit"}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%?t=%GMTIME{"$epoch"}%">%MAKETEXT{"Edit all"}%</a>
Then in edit.myskin.tmpl, I could add my site specific content:
%{ add revision comment input }%
%IF{ "context RevCommentPluginEnabled" then=" <div class='revComment'><label for='comment'>Summary of changes</label> <input class='foswikiInputField' type='text' style='width:50%' name='comment' id='comment' />"</div>" else=""}%
%{ add force new rev checkbox }%
<div class="patternSaveOptionsContents"><input type="checkbox" class="foswikiCheckbox" title="Creates a new topic revision when saving" id="forcenewrevision" name="forcenewrevision" %FORCENEWREVISIONCHECKBOX% /><label for="forcenewrevision">%MAKETEXT{"Force new revision"}%</label></div>
DavidAllen - 03 May 2014
Added native support for "force new revision" as well as
RevCommentPlugin in version 6.0
MichaelDaum - 29 Apr 2022