Item13049: BatchUploadPlugin: beforeUploadHandler error if ModPerlEngineContrib enabled
Priority: Normal
Current State: Needs Developer
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Description of the problem
In the
of the
BatchUploadPlugin there is hack (throwing a Simple::Error
with the message "Do not save zip file!") in order
- not to attach the zip file, i.e. stopping the attachment process (because the files inside the zip-file have already been attached) and
- not to overwrite the meta data (with the extracted files) with the saved meta data in the caller (that is missing the extracted files)
This method of "stopping" doesn't work as expected if
ModPerlEngineContrib is used. Then this error message
will be propagated to the user. Without ModPerlEngineContrib I think this throw statement es never executed, because there is a
Please see also
OK. In my case I'm using a very ugly/insane workaround. Instead of the original (inside
Foswiki::Func::redirectCgiQuery( undef, $url );
# SMELL: bit of a hack?
# user won't see this, but if left out the zip file will be attached, overwriting the unzipped files
#exit 0; this just returns a blank page to the user, not very good...
throw Error::Simple( 'Do not save zip file!' ); # this seems to work fine, the user gets returned to their viewed page and the unzipped files do not get overwritten. Presumably it is caught somewhere higher up.
I set a special "flag" in the
# Foswiki::Func::redirectCgiQuery( undef, $url );
# SMELL: bit of a hack?
$attrHashRef->{'attachActions'}=[] unless defined($attrHashRef->{'attachActions'});
push @{$attrHashRef->{'attachActions'}},'cancelattachment';
and inside
inside the method
I check the special "attachActions":
$plugins->dispatch( 'beforeUploadHandler', $attrs, $this );
$opts{stream} = $attrs->{stream};
my $actions=$attrs->{'attachActions'};
if (defined($actions) && 'ARRAY' eq ref($actions)) {
# one of the beforeUploadHandlers wants some "special" actions
if (grep { $_ eq 'cancelattachment' } @$actions) {
goto cancelAttachment;
and I added the jump "cancelAttachment" at the end of the method:
delete $attrs->{stream};
delete $attrs->{tmpFilename};
ChristianLudwig - 08 Oct 2014