Item13263: [Discussion] new strategy for the perl dependencies with the automatic debian package builder

Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Needs Developer
Released In: n/a
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Applies To: Extension
Component: DebianPackage
Reported By: GuilainCabannes
Waiting For:
Last Change By: GeorgeClark

new strategy for the perl dependencies with the automatic debian package builder

We have several debian package with missing dependencies.

At this, point, a deb package seems to be build from the DEPENDENCIES found in foswiki directories by a simple name translation (need deeper investigation).

We have other manner to do this :
  • using search inside the debian package description (apt-cache search XXX::YYY), but some time it doesn't work (anyone have an example ?)
  • simple using perl-depends on source code (is it the manner to build package at this time ?)
  • using dh-make-perl package
  • using kind of distromatch (seems to be unmaintained)
  • other ?

I have been wondering about better handling of packages albeit from a different perspective. I've been building my VM via vagrant and for now using a shell script to apt-get install the module or when this fails resort to CPAN. Most perl modules are available but there are exceptions.

The VM is designed to be a git based pseudo-install, although I also intend to build our test and production environments around that.

I was thinking that all we need is perl modules that provides a look-up of the perl module name e.g. Algorithm::Diff to the distribution package name.

my %distro_package = (
    'Algorithm::Diff' => { debian => 'libalgorithm-diff-perl', rpm => 'perl-Algorithm-Diff' },
    'Apache::Htpasswd' => { debian => 'libapache-htpasswd', rpm => 'perl-Apache-Htpasswd' },

You should also take advantage of Module::Corelist to identify standard perl modules in the target version of perl you are after. It is itself standard perl.

To create a working †developer VM on Ubuntu 14.04, I needed 33 additional modules via apt-get and 7 more where I had to resort to CPAN.

Those numbers are small and therefore we have a good chance of providing a database of what FW needs to know. The tools above are trying to cover everything. If one of them is mature and complete enough then it's reasonable to use it — OTOH it's another dependency for the project. So far, I get the impression that they are not mature anyway.

†Some extra modules are required for a developer based set-up, e.g. to support the test suite

The test suite comes with the UnitTestContrib and other developer tools with BuildContrib; both of which should list their dependencies. Do we stick with a central database for now or extend each extension DEPENDENCIES file (or directory?) to list distribution package names.

There are pros and cons of either approach. I like the idea of a central database to start with and extend if the need arises.

I'd like at first to check the dependencies files of all the extensions in the Foswiki git repo; and extract a list of all the unique CPAN modules required (broken down by core and non-core perl). That would give us an idea of the size of the database to maintain.

-- JulianLevens - 19 Feb 2015

It seems as though there must be some available resource to map CPAN module names to their rpm / deb / ebuild equivalent. Most of these are formula based, however there are exceptions. This perlmaven page has details for a number of distributions.

Even though the tool has some issues, see It has a lot of the conversions already identified.

-- GeorgeClark - 19 Feb 2015

ItemTemplate edit

Summary [Discussion] new strategy for the perl dependencies with the automatic debian package builder
ReportedBy GuilainCabannes
SVN Range
AppliesTo Extension
Component DebianPackage
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState Needs Developer
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r5 - 25 Mar 2017, GeorgeClark
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