Priority: Urgent
Current State: Closed
Released In: 2.0.0
Target Release: major
To reproduce this, create a topic with the following tables
First table
| *title1* | *title2* |
| test | test |
| alpha | zebra |
Second table
| *title1* | *title2* |
| test | test |
| zebra | alpha |
Save it, and view it. I will look like this:
- Screen-capture with EDITTABLE macro disabled:
- none of the tables is editable
- both tables' headings display in bold and with a grey background
- both tables can be sorted by clicking on their columns headings, and a hint saying "Sort by this column" appears on the screen when hovering the mouse on a title
- sorting is done server-side
Then, edit the topic and take out the "nop", i.e. like this :
First table
| *title1* | *title2* |
| test | test |
| alpha | zebra |
Second table
| *title1* | *title2* |
| test | test |
| zebra | alpha |
Save it, and view it. It will look like this:
- Screen-capture with EDITTABLE macro enabled:
- only one of the tables is editable
- both tables' headings display normal font (not bold) and underlined text, and white background (not a grey background)
- sorting can be done (and is client-side handled), but strangely:
- sorting is performed that way for both tables
- it does not sort if you click only once, you have to repeat the click (first click on heading is ignored)
- there is no hint that the column can be sorted
- a user may think that sorting cannot be done
Suggestions :
- have the extension use the same Heading style as regular tables, and provide a "Sort by this column" hint
- have sorting work client-side without ignoring the first click
RaulFRodriguez - 07 Mar 2015
Agreed. The behavior is pretty confusing. The no sort on first click combined with the different styling is a blocker IMHO. The first click behavior is strange in that you need to click the
same column a 2nd time consecutively.
- Click column 1 header - nothing happens
- Click column 2, nope no sort
- Click column 1, still no sort
- Click column 1 a 2nd time ... sorts.
Bumping this to urgent, because the users first assumption is to assume that sort is disabled. And the look of the page should not change so drastically depending upon the presence of a macro elsewhere on the page
GeorgeClark - 08 Mar 2015
The styling without ERP comes from
TablePlugin. Easy enough to style ERP that way, though it looks ugly IMHO.
The click confusion comes from the fact that the tablesorter code I used assumes that the colums are initially sorted. It also assumes that each click reverses the sort direction. So the first click is
not a NOP, it just reverse-sorts the column. Not best behaviour, I agree. We could really do with some better table sorter code.
CrawfordCurrie - 10 Mar 2015