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Item13397: Foswiki::Serialise::Json uses JSON::Any, which generates UNICODE

Priority: Urgent
Current State: Closed
Released In: 2.0.0
Target Release: major
Applies To: Engine
Component: Unicode
Reported By: CrawfordCurrie
Waiting For:
Last Change By: GeorgeClark
JSON::Any is deprecated in favour of JSON (see perldoc JSON::Any) and generates unicode anyway.

Foswiki::Serialise::Json (and any other usages of JSON::Any) need to be recoded to use JSON.

diff --git a/core/lib/Foswiki/Serialise/ b/core/lib/Foswiki/Serialise/Jso
index 39ca23e..c51b8a8 100644
--- a/core/lib/Foswiki/Serialise/
+++ b/core/lib/Foswiki/Serialise/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ package Foswiki::Serialise::Json;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use JSON::Any;
+use JSON;
 =begin TML
@@ -26,17 +26,13 @@ sub new {
     return $this;
-#The JSON serialisation uses JSON::Any to select the 'best' available JSON impl
-#TODO: should really use encode_json / decode_json as those will use utf8,
-#but er, that'll cause other issues - as QUERY will blast the json into a topic
 sub write {
     my $module = shift;
     my ($result) = @_;
     return '' if ( not( defined($result) ) );
-    my $j = JSON::Any->new( allow_nonref => 1 );
-    return $j->to_json( $result, { allow_nonref => 1 } );
+    my $j = JSON->new->allow_nonref( 1 );
+    return $j->encode( $result );
 #TODO: should really use encode_json / decode_json as those will use utf8,

Testcase (by George):

git cherry-pick 980aebc2a4c9ca55640ed0ed849ad94ef5d5f0ae

in TestCases/TestCaseUtf8Errors

Note that my patch above is from the utf8 branch and is incomplete; there are two calls in that module, and they will return utf8 binary strings. The trunk will need to decode the utf8 to unicode and re-encode the result in the {Site}{CharSet} e.g.

return Encode::encode($Foswiki::cfg{Site}{Charset}, Encode::decode('utf-8', $result));

-- CrawfordCurrie - 07 May 2015

Fixed in utf8 branch, awaiting merge

-- Main.CrawfordCurrie - 17 May 2015 - 10:13

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Foswiki::Serialise::Json uses JSON::Any, which generates UNICODE
ReportedBy CrawfordCurrie
Codebase 1.2.0 beta1, trunk
SVN Range
AppliesTo Engine
Component Unicode
Priority Urgent
CurrentState Closed
TargetRelease major
ReleasedIn 2.0.0
Topic revision: r5 - 05 Jul 2015, GeorgeClark
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