Item13443: Bug and misconfiguration during upgrade from Debian 7.x to Debian 8.x (jessie) with foswiki debian package

Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Needs Developer
Released In: n/a
Target Release:
Applies To: Extension
Component: DebianPackage
Reported By: GuilainCabannes
Waiting For:
Last Change By: GeorgeClark
  • during upgrade form Debian 7 to debian 8 (jessie) produces some bugs when using the foswiki debian package
  • after upgrade an 404 errors is produces when asking en foswiki url
  • to solve this, it's needed to make symlinks in /etc/apache2/conf-availabled (optional) and /etc/apache2/conf-enabled (require) of the foswiki conf file which is /etc/foswiki/apache.conf
  • now you have an 404 error
  • apply Item13095 (change the two lines)
  • then it produce an "insecure dependency with the -T switch"
  • then modify all script in /bin directory (foswiki bin directory)
  • and suppress all the -T option founded in the first line of the script view, edit, manage, etc

  • summary of the command to execute
ln -s /etc/foswiki/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/foswiki.conf
ln -s /etc/foswiki/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/foswiki.conf
edit /etc/foswiki/apache.conf #for changing the two line, cf Task.Item13095
edit /var/lib/foswiki/bin/view #for suppress -T option
edit /var/lib/foswiki/bin/edit
edit /var/lib/foswiki/bin/manage

-- GuilainCabannes - 03 Jun 2015

an error can be getting when saving change in configure script:
CGI::param called in list context from package Foswiki::Configure::UIs::AUTH line 44, this can lead to vulnerabilities. See the warning in "Fetching the value or values of a single named parameter" at /usr/share/perl5/ line 436.

For solve this, apply patch found in Support.Question1540

-- GuilainCabannes - 04 Jun 2015

by default /etc/foswiki is not executable, but It's included in @INC. Due to the behavior change in perl 5.20.02 with the treatment of the path in @INC, You need to change to execute +x /etc/foswiki

-- GuilainCabannes - 05 Jun 2015

The debian packages for Foswiki no longer have a maintainer.

-- GeorgeClark - 26 Sep 2016

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Bug and misconfiguration during upgrade from Debian 7.x to Debian 8.x (jessie) with foswiki debian package
ReportedBy GuilainCabannes
Codebase 1.1.9
SVN Range
AppliesTo Extension
Component DebianPackage
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState Needs Developer
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r5 - 26 Sep 2016, GeorgeClark
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