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Item13494: OS X specific: Can't rename web (and topic too)

Priority: Normal
Current State: Needs Developer
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Engine
Component: FoswikiUIRename, FoswikiStore, PlatformWindows, PlatformOSX
Reported By: JozefMojzis
Waiting For:
Last Change By: GeorgeClark

How to repo (only on OS X, maybe Windows):

  • create a web (SomeWeb) or topic (SomeTopicName)
  • try rename the web to (Someweb) - e.g. the change the case of the "W" > "w"
  • can't rename: web exists
  • also for the topic: Rename failed - Cannot rename SomeTopicHere to SometopicHere because it already exists.

Solution (one of)

  • try execute the rename and check the result: succes/fail


  • On the OS X installation the user unable correct the wrong-cased topic name

The main points:

  • the OS X (bash, perl - etc) allows rename the "abc" to "ABC"
  • but return "exists" for the any variant

Demo script

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.014;
use warnings;

my $lname = "abc";
my $fname = ucfirst $lname;
my $uname = uc $lname;
my @names = ($lname, $fname, $uname);


say "creating dir: $lname";
mkdir($lname) or die "Can't mkdir $lname";

print "Try rename $lname to $uname ";
say rename($lname, $uname) ? "success" : "error";

print "going rmdir lowercase $lname ";
say rmdir($lname) ? "success" : "error";

sub show {
    my @existing = glob('[Aa][Bb][Cc]');
    say "Existing from glob [Aa][Bb][Cc]: >@existing<";
    for my $n (@names) {
        say $n . ((-e $n) ? "" : " doesn't") . " exists";
    say "-"x80;

In the Linux or Freebsd the above prints
Existing from glob [Aa][Bb][Cc]: ><
abc doesn't exists
Abc doesn't exists
ABC doesn't exists
creating dir: abc
Existing from glob [Aa][Bb][Cc]: >abc<
abc exists
Abc doesn't exists
ABC doesn't exists
Try rename abc to ABC success
Existing from glob [Aa][Bb][Cc]: >ABC<
abc doesn't exists
Abc doesn't exists
ABC exists
going rmdir lowercase abc error
Existing from glob [Aa][Bb][Cc]: >ABC<
abc doesn't exists
Abc doesn't exists
ABC exists

On the OS X prints:
Existing from glob [Aa][Bb][Cc]: ><
abc doesn't exists
Abc doesn't exists
ABC doesn't exists
creating dir: abc
Existing from glob [Aa][Bb][Cc]: >abc<
abc exists
Abc exists
ABC exists
Try rename abc to ABC success
Existing from glob [Aa][Bb][Cc]: >ABC<
abc exists
Abc exists
ABC exists
going rmdir lowercase abc success
Existing from glob [Aa][Bb][Cc]: ><
abc doesn't exists
Abc doesn't exists
ABC doesn't exists

-- JozefMojzis - 02 Jul 2015

See also Item439 and Item4318 - Case insensitive file system issues.

-- GeorgeClark - 02 Jul 2015

ItemTemplate edit

Summary OS X specific: Can't rename web (and topic too)
ReportedBy JozefMojzis
Codebase trunk
SVN Range
AppliesTo Engine
Component FoswikiUIRename, FoswikiStore, PlatformWindows, PlatformOSX
Priority Normal
CurrentState Needs Developer
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r2 - 02 Jul 2015, GeorgeClark
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