Item13566: Speed-aware reading encoded files
Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Confirmed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Engine
Component: Performance, Unicode
Benchmarked different file-reading and decoding methods, and got some surprising results.
So asked an question in the Stackoverflow.
The answer pointed me to the module
CPAN:Unicode::UTF8, it allows reading files 5 times faster as using Encode. The question contains some benchmarking code too.
Therefore, (and learned from the CGI-problem lesson too), IMHO Foswiki shouldn't use any CPAN modules directly, but thru its own interface modules, like
- instead of the plain perl's
. Such approach could allow easily modify, replace the backend implementation, e.g. in this case the file-reading routine could be:
if( the_store_is_utf8 ) {
read RAW file and use Unicode::UTF8 for the speed gain
} else {
read the file using Encode
JozefMojzis - 27 Jul 2015
Setting this to confirmed. But does need more investigation.
GeorgeClark - 25 Sep 2016
Jozef, which perl version have you been benchmarking. Note that anything befor 5.22 is not worth it. I just looked at Unicode::UTF8's
activity on github. ... which logs most recent commit back in 2013. Hm.
MichaelDaum - 26 Sep 2016