Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Closed
Released In: 1.0.5
Target Release: patch
Applies To: Engine
Please add this patch by
OlivierRaginel to the standard foswiki code.
diff --git a/core/lib/Foswiki/ b/core/lib/Foswiki/
index 60fc252..da189ca 100644
--- a/core/lib/Foswiki/
+++ b/core/lib/Foswiki/
-101,6 +101,7 @@ Render parent meta-data
sub renderParent {
my ( $this, $topicObject, $ah ) = @_;
my $dontRecurse = $ah->{dontrecurse} || 0;
+ my $depth = $ah->{depth} || 0;
my $noWebHome = $ah->{nowebhome} || 0;
my $prefix = $ah->{prefix} || '';
my $suffix = $ah->{suffix} || '';
-122,8 +123,11 @@ sub renderParent {
$parent = $parentMeta->{name} if $parentMeta;
my @stack;
+ my $currentDepth = 0;
+ $depth = 1 if $dontRecurse;
while ($parent) {
+ $currentDepth++;
( $pWeb, $pTopic ) =
$this->{session}->normalizeWebTopicName( $pWeb, $parent );
$parent = $pWeb . '.' . $pTopic;
-134,8 +138,10 @@ sub renderParent {
$text = $format;
$text =~ s/\$web/$pWeb/g;
$text =~ s/\$topic/$pTopic/g;
- unshift( @stack, $text );
- last if $dontRecurse;
+ if( ! $depth or $currentDepth == $depth ) {
+ unshift( @stack, $text );
+ }
+ last if $currentDepth == $depth;
# Compromise; rather than supporting a hack in the store to support
# rapid access to parent meta (as in TWiki) accept the hit
StefanPalm - 27 Mar 2009
The reason I haven't done it so right away are multiple:
- Meta has close to no unit test, so it's hard to know what it's supposed to do
- According to Stefan, Meta on (tm)wiki had a depth parameter, which no longer exists in Foswiki (that's the main reason for the patch)
- As there are no test, and I'm not too familiar with that, I couldn't really assess what it might break
But as Stefan seems to be a happy bunny now, I'll push for including that
Not sure how to classify that though... it was in 4.2, so it could be considered as a bug, but it was like that in 1.0.0...
OlivierRaginel - 27 Mar 2009
Small correction - using
depth in %META% worked for us in (tm)wiki 4.0.4, (tm)wiki 4.2 we never used...
StefanPalm - 27 Mar 2009