You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item13830 (16 Nov 2015, GeorgeClark)Edit Attach

Item13830: Attachments with special characters (umlauts) in Foswiki 2.0.2 with mod_perl, reported as missing or empty file.

Priority: Urgent
Current State: Closed
Released In: 2.0.3
Target Release: patch
Applies To: Engine
Component: ModPerlEngineContrib
Branches: master
Reported By: PascalSchuppli
Waiting For: GeorgeClark
Last Change By: GeorgeClark
I'm running a vanilla 2.0.2 under apache mod_perl (linux box).

When I try to upload an attachment with Umlauts in the file name, this fails with the following error message (under PatternSkin):
Either you did not specify a file name, or the file you are trying to upload Säkularisierung.odt has no content. You may not upload an empty file.

Under NatSkin, the error message is a bit shorter: "Stream not found".

There are no error messages in any of the relevant log files.

I'm assuming the problem lies with using Foswiki with mod_perl because I have a Foswiki 2.0.2 running under plain CGI where the error does not manifest itself.

-- PascalSchuppli - 20 Oct 2015

Confirmed. Tested on Foswiki 2.0.2, Engine: Foswiki::Engine::Apache2::MP20, Apache2::Request v2.13, mod_perl2 v2.000009

-- GeorgeClark - 20 Oct 2015

I have a fix. See the patch at distro:072e35817178

-- GeorgeClark - 21 Oct 2015

I had a few minutes and tried the fix with NatSkin enabled. Now no attachments can be uploaded. The error I get is about not being able to parse the JSON response. I'm guessing this is a followup problem with TopicInteractionPlugin. I'll test some more when I get a bit more time (I especially haven't checked whether the fix works in non-NatSkin environments).

-- PascalSchuppli - 21 Oct 2015

Some more testing. I'm sorry, but the fix doesn't seem to work at all. I completely reinstalled foswiki 2.0.2 plus natskin extensions, but nothing else. Then patched Now the error mentioned above when using the default PatternSkin Attach Link (Either you did not specify a filename.....) appears on every single upload attempt, no matter whether there is an umlaut in the filename or not.

On a side note, shouldn't the fix in the consequent of the if branch read Foswiki::decode_utf8 rather than foswiki::decode_utf8 ?

-- PascalSchuppli - 21 Oct 2015

Yes, that's the issue. Sorry about that. If you change it to Foswiki:: does that resolve things?

I suspect that you might not have the CPAN module Apache2::Request installed. The first pat of the patch is used if Apache2::Request is missing and Foswiki is running as a CGI application under mod_perl.

-- GeorgeClark - 21 Oct 2015

Oh. Changing foswiki to Foswiki fixes the problem under PatternSkin. Attaching files now works both for files with and without Umlauts.

-- PascalSchuppli - 21 Oct 2015

Just checked the fixed fix with NatSkin. It now works with NatSkin too. I'd say this is resolved.

-- PascalSchuppli - 21 Oct 2015

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Attachments with special characters (umlauts) in Foswiki 2.0.2 with mod_perl, reported as missing or empty file.
ReportedBy PascalSchuppli
Codebase 2.0.2
SVN Range
AppliesTo Engine
Component ModPerlEngineContrib
Priority Urgent
CurrentState Closed
WaitingFor GeorgeClark
Checkins distro:072e35817178 distro:c9bf5a4f67a1 distro:8b8a83b0d915
TargetRelease patch
ReleasedIn 2.0.3
CheckinsOnBranches master
masterCheckins distro:072e35817178 distro:c9bf5a4f67a1 distro:8b8a83b0d915
Topic revision: r7 - 16 Nov 2015, GeorgeClark
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