Priority: Normal
Current State: Confirmed
Released In: n/a
Target Release:
I replicated the issue here:
The issue occurs when there is a EDITTABLE and a COMMENT macro on the topic. An example of the wiki text to replicate the issue in a topic would be:
| Name: | John Smith |
% COMMENT{type="toctalk"}%
DiegoBetancur - 17 Jul 2017
(Added a space to break the above comment macro to prevent it from breaking the comments inserted into this topic)
As you didn't actually explain what's going wrong, I'm guessing that the issue is the Comment action always causes a 403 "Validation Error"? That's what seems to be happening in the
TestIssuePlugins topic.
If this is the issue you are reporting, the bug seems to be in the sequence of the generated HTML form statements. There appears to be a nested related to the
EditRowPlugin embedded into the form emitted by the COMMENT macro.
<form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="commentPluginForm" id="toctalk0" name="toctalk0" onsubmit="StrikeOne.submit(this)"><input type='hidden' name='validation_key' value='?d523874403a2e3dd1cf277fa62e07ee2' />
<!-- STARTINCLUDE Sandbox.TestIssuePlugins:T1 -->
<form action='valid' method='POST' name='erp_form_TABLE_1' onsubmit="StrikeOne.submit(this)"><input type='hidden' name='validation_key' value='?58578eb509470eaecf7c03fa9a514fd5' />
<a name='erp_TABLE_1'></a>
GeorgeClark - 17 Jul 2017
You are correct. Apologies for not providing more details.
It causes a '403 Validation Error'.
Thanks for the extra details on the bug.
DiegoBetancur - 17 Jul 2017