Item14617: PlantUML ditaa diagrams do not work any more
Priority: Urgent
Current State: New
Released In: n/a
Target Release:
Instead of rendering ditaa diagrams, the plantuml plugin now produces error messages. This happened on Foswiki-2.1.4, Plugin API version 2.4, perl 5, version 24, subversion 1,
PlantUML (8050beta0), dot - graphviz version 2.38.0,
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_151-8u151-b12-1~deb9u1-b12, Debian Stretch.
PlantUMLPlugin Error: failed to execute "java -jar /opt/plantuml/plantuml.jar -tpng /tmp/PjaddL6ZXB/GVJZlExtWI.plantuml", RC=256
output: Error line 3 in file: /tmp/PjaddL6ZXB/GVJZlExtWI.plantuml
Some diagram description contains errors
ditaa(--no-shadows, scale=0.8)
BirgitNietsch - 05 Feb 2018
Unable to reproduce with
- Foswiki 2.1.4
- Plugin API 2.4
- Perl 5.16.3
- OpenJDK 1.8.0_161-b14
- graphviz 2.38.0
- PlantUML 1.2018.01
Used the following plantuml example as a test, results were identical to the image on the plantuml web site:
ditaa(--no-shadows, scale=0.8)
/--------\ +-------+
|cAAA +---+Version|
| Data | | V3 |
| Base | |cRED{d}|
| {s}| +-------+
JohnKnutson - 22 Feb 2018
Note that I'm using mod_perl and not fcgi (fast cgi). I'd suggest getting the latest plantuml jar file and restarting your web server. The error you're seeing is a plantuml error so it seems likely to be an issue with that version of plantuml.
JohnKnutson - 22 Feb 2018
I'm using mod_perl as well.
As a workaround, I have copied and modified the
PlantUMLPlugin into a
DitaaPlugin and additionally installed the ditaa package on my machine. This works. To handle Options like no-shadows or scale, I have created a parameter named 'options'.
BirgitNietsch - 06 Mar 2018