Item14618: The last PlantUML salt diagram overwrites all other Plantuml on the same page
Priority: Urgent
Current State: Waiting for Feedback
Released In: n/a
Target Release:
On pages with more than one plantuml diagram and at least one plantuml salt diagram, the last salt diagram overwrites all image links on the page with "PlantUMLPlugin_1.png". So, only the last diagram is rendered, and it replaces all other diagrams. Also, there seems to be an issue with the salt syntax: the salt keyword either has to be in the same line with the <plantuml> tag, or @startuml/@enduml have to be used. This happened on Foswiki-2.1.4, Plugin API version 2.4, perl 5, version 24, subversion 1,
PlantUML (8050beta0), dot - graphviz version 2.38.0,
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_151-8u151-b12-1~deb9u1-b12, Debian Stretch.
BirgitNietsch - 05 Feb 2018
I'm unable to reproduce this using a salt diagram, followed by a state diagram, followed by another salt diagram. Please provide an example where this is failing. This seemed to work as expected (apologies for my terrible pseudo-French):
Just plain text
[This is my button]
() Unchecked radio
(X) Checked radio
[] Unchecked box
[X] Checked box
"Enter text here "
^This is a droplist^
[*] --> State1
State1 --> [*]
State1 : this is a string
State1 : this is another string
State1 -> State2
State2 --> [*]
Foo Bar Baz
[Nutty Button]
() morning radio
(X) afternoon radio
[] le boite
[X] le boite checked
"no enter text "
^drop the bass^
JohnKnutson - 22 Feb 2018
I have repeated my tests, and in my environment, this happen. with all Plant UML graphics, not only with salt. It looks like every single graphic gets the same name: "PlantUMLPlugin_1.png". I'm working my way around this bug by using the file parameter, counting up manually:
<plantuml file="1">
BirgitNietsch - 06 Mar 2018
I still haven't been able to replicate this specific issue, in that I have not seen where multiple graphs on a topic get the same name, but I have just committed a change to github that incorporates the MD5 hash into the file name. Give it a try and let me know if it helps. You should only need to get the file to do a quick test, if you don't want to download the entire thing.
JohnKnutson - 22 May 2018