Item15034: Deprecated Pattern in regex
Priority: Enhancement
Current State: New
Released In: n/a
Target Release:
With Perl 5.30 we're seeing additional deprecation warnings from regexs in the
Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated here (and will be fatal in Perl 5.32), passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\%CHECKLISTTABLE({ <-- HERE .*?})?%/ at /data/website-packages/wiki.library/foswiki/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/ line 63.
Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated here (and will be fatal in Perl 5.32), passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%CHECKLISTTABLE({ <-- HERE (.*)})?%/ at /data/website-packages/wiki.library/foswiki/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/ChecklistTablePlugin/ line 73.
Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated here (and will be fatal in Perl 5.32), passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\%CHECKLISTTABLE({ <-- HERE (.*)})?\%/ at /data/website-packages/wiki.library/foswiki/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/ChecklistTablePlugin/ line 654.
The attached patch file addresses these issues.
EricBivona - 22 Jul 2021