Item15160: Permissions editor can only auto-complete users and groups found in a topic of the users web
Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In: 2.1.8
Target Release: patch
Applies To: Extension
Component: NatEditPlugin
Branches: Release02x01 master
In NatEdit the permissions editor autocompletion calls a REST backend based on
JQueryAjaxHelper. It will then use a %SEARCH to find users and groups in the Main web.
This only works for users and groups that actually do have a topic footprint in the Main web. However this is not always the case given users or groups are imported via
different user mappings such as ldap or openid based ones. These IDs are made available to the system by importing them from an external source which not necessarily
are reflected using a topic in Foswiki. The internal user mapper does know, so basically a %SEARCH isn't required to find those IDs. Instead a REST handler should ask
the user mapper directly for users and groups instead of finding out by itself.
Btw, the
JQueryAjaxHelper should be deprecated at some point in time.
MichaelDaum - 25 Jul 2022