Priority: Urgent
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Engine
Seems to be an character encoding problem caused by copy&paste.
MichaelDaum - 18 Apr 2023
Indeed, the quotes " copy paste from the help topic seems to be the right quote.
So changing all copy pasted quotes (") by a keyboard typed quotes (") works well and to avoid any error, you can use the ' instead of " and then be sure all the wrong quotes (") had been replace.
GuilainCabannes - 05 May 2023
in that way, the exemple will be now
<form name='newtopic' action='%SCRIPTURLPATH{save}%/Sandbox/' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='formtemplate' value='SimpleForm' > </input>
<input type='hidden' name='topic' value='KnowledgeTopicAUTOINC00001' > </input>
<input type='hidden' name='Subject' value='FAQWhatIsWikiWiki' > </input>
<input type='hidden' name='Category' value='One' > </input>
<input type='hidden' name='Category' value='Two' > </input>
<input type='submit' class='foswikiSubmit' value='Create topic' > </input>
and a lovely button will be visible !
GuilainCabannes - 05 May 2023
Latest questions for going further :
- may the wrong quotes are comming the source file of the help topic ?
- may the wrong quotes are generated by the foswiki engine (or any of the dependencies) ?
- may the wrong quotes are generated by the browser ? (here Chrome and Firefox had been tested, same result)
- may the wrong quotes are coming from the clipboard ? (here test had been done under linux & windows)
To be continued...
GuilainCabannes - 05 May 2023
ok, it's perhaps little bit more tricky, on the test topic page :
FormHTMLTest i've just copy paste again the form from the topic help and right now works well without any change
- new test runs :
- create virgin topic page
- copy/paste form
- get issue (no button)
- change the quote " by ' or change the wrong quote " by the right quote "
- see the button
- copy/paste again the form and works well without changing anything
GuilainCabannes - 05 May 2023