Item1534: Typewriter text icon stays shaded

Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In: 1.1.0
Target Release: minor
Applies To: Extension
Component: TinyMCEPlugin
Reported By: MichaelTempest
Waiting For:
Last Change By: KennethLavrsen
If I select text in the WYSIWYG editor and click the typewriter-text icon, the text changes to typewriter text. If I put the cursor in the typewriter text, the icon changes to shaded.

If I then click on ordinary text, the icon stays shaded. The icon should change to not-shaded. If I then type, ordinary text is inserted (as it should).

-- MichaelTempest - 27 Apr 2009

TMCE applies the classes for typewriter text and colour to elements other than span, so the icon does not always change to shaded when the cursor is in typewriter text.

-- MichaelTempest - 21 May 2009

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Typewriter text icon stays shaded
ReportedBy MichaelTempest
Codebase trunk
SVN Range Foswiki-1.0.0, Thu, 08 Jan 2009, build 1878
AppliesTo Extension
Component TinyMCEPlugin
Priority Normal
CurrentState Closed
Checkins distro:7ed9b7380a90 distro:7b79b0f1b851 distro:ae3972553403 distro:14afbb2f8d4a
TargetRelease minor
ReleasedIn 1.1.0
Topic revision: r13 - 04 Oct 2010, KennethLavrsen
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