You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item1715 (07 Jan 2009, LynnwoodBrown)Edit Attach
For tracking svn checkins for version 2 of TWiki:TWiki.TopicClassificationAddOn.

Misc Comments

I'm installing TCAO right now. Quick observations:
  • the webleftbar is in TWiki 4.0.0 format or even older: remove the div and the search/jump fields
    • This has been fixed - LB
  • in the instructions it says to copy to the left bar:
       * [[TCAO.%SCRIPTURL{view}%/%WEB%/TopicTree?root=%BASETOPIC%][%ICON{indexlist}% <nop>TopicTree]]
    ... but I get a question mark. Shouldn't it be:
       * [[%SCRIPTURL%/view/TCAO/TopicTree?root=%BASETOPIC%][%ICON{indexlist}% TopicTree]]
  • At the bottom of TopicTree, put: <br class="twikiClear" /> This to prevent the div around the dropdown to overlap the bottom buttons. * Thanks so much for this tip! I've been trying to figure out how to correct that.

These items have all been addressed. New see Item677 for update for Foswiki.

-- LynnwoodBrown - 07 Jan 2009
Topic revision: r44 - 07 Jan 2009, LynnwoodBrown
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