Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: WikiBot
DONE and submitted the module's code to the mozbot project:
also, loaded mozbot's RDF module to show the twitter feed in the irc channel.
also, certain web rss feeds:
[16:30] <wbniv> vars RDF sites
[16:30] <foswikibot> Variable 'sites' in module 'RDF' is a hash with the following values:
[16:30] <foswikibot> '' => ''
[16:30] <foswikibot> '' => ''
[16:30] <foswikibot> '' => ''
[16:30] <foswikibot> '' => ''
[16:30] <foswikibot> '' => ''
WillNorris - 08 Jul 2009