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Item1804: PollPlugin

Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Closed
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Reported By: SvenHess
Waiting For:
Last Change By: SvenHess
I am developing PollPlugin. A plugin for setting up suggestions and let the users vote for it. All suggestions are separated in topics. So users can vote for these topics by sharing out a defined number of credit points.

Just a minute after I have finished the work on my PollPlugin I have noticed that a plugin called PollPlugin already exists in svn. :-/ It is not yet ported to foswiki, that's why there is no documentation about it. So.. I am creating a new enhancement task. No action required for item 1804.

-- SvenHess - 08 Jul 2009

Sven, you've committed everything directly inside trunk/. Would you have tried to create a PollPlugin folder, you would have noticed it existed already.

As I don't want you to loose your work, I've moved everything to PollPluginSvenHess. Please clean up as needed.

-- OlivierRaginel - 30 Jul 2009

Hi Oliver. Don't worry about my work. I've allready set up a new Task and checked in as a new extension. See TopicVotePlugin.

-- SvenHess - 30 Jul 2009

So I may remove the PollPluginSvenHess from the repository? Either you do it, or you tell me I can smile

-- OlivierRaginel - 30 Jul 2009

Why is this a new plugin, rather than an extension of VotePlugin? It seems to do very much the same sort of thing.

-- CrawfordCurrie - 30 Jul 2009

To my mind the features of both are to different so I have decided to create the new one instead of mixing up and messing up the old plugin. Future development should merge them together.

-- SvenHess - 11 Aug 2009


-- SvenDowideit - 14 Sep 2009


-- SvenHess - 14 Sep 2009

ItemTemplate edit

Summary PollPlugin
ReportedBy SvenHess
SVN Range Foswiki-1.0.0, Thu, 08 Jan 2009, build 1878
AppliesTo Extension
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState Closed
Checkins Rev 4481 not found PollPluginSvenHess:2b8a7d4cc826 Rev 4886 not found
TargetRelease n/a
Topic revision: r12 - 14 Sep 2009, SvenHess
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