Priority: Normal
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: 1.1.3
Target Release: patch
Applies To: Engine
A user complained that the registration is misleading, as it informs to put the FirstnameLastname, without spaces, as
WikiName, and there are some characters which are allowed in firstname or lastname, which aren't allowed in a
For example, the user has a hyphen in his lastname, and hyphens aren't allowed as
I propose 2 actions :
- Make the rejection message a bit more informative: which characters are allowed, and which ones aren't
- Make the JS a bit more clever to come up with a WikiName
I've informed the user that he can still register by simply editing his
WikiName, but maybe we should re-consider why we're denying hyphens?
OlivierRaginel - 18 Jul 2009
Last time we changed the definition of wikiname to interpret numbers and lower case letters (a change I supported) it caused so much trouble everywhere. People suddenly had links to non-existing topics all over the place. We are many that regretted this change. I still have an open todo to make it configurable. A change I have not yet done because it involves javascript also. And the hyphen will be the same. We should stick to the current wikiname rule.
The correct fix for this is that the hyphen should be stripped out of the generated wikiname.
And David Dyer-Bennet will become DavidDyerBennet which is quite alright and perfectly recognisable. We already strip spaces and for us non-english we also accept that Foswiki converts characters like זרויטצפה.
The JS today converts common accented chars to A-Z. After the current code a code line should be added that converts all non-A-Z to nothing.
KennethLavrsen - 19 Jul 2009
Changing this to No Action - In 1.1.3 it appears that the
WikiName javascript deals correctly with special characters. Not sure when it actually was fixed, but no action required any more.
GeorgeClark - 13 Mar 2011