Wouldn't it be nice if users could invite other users to register?
User (or admin) would give an email address to N*Wiki.
N*wiki would send an invite to the user to join.
- Registration could otherwise be closed.
- Admin / originating user would not need to have all the details for the new user
- New user could register with a different user name than the one the inviter used
Implementation Options
- Send a registration token, such as used by two step verification
Scheduled date: None.
registration already 'kind of' does this, in that if you're logged in, you can register somone. I did invites on a system once - it was mostly UI work, as the backend can pretty much leverage the existing verification code.
In order to proceed on this we need a flow diagram + page schematics to see how this can be implemented from a UX point of view.
ArthurClemens - 14 Nov 2008 - 23:07