You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item1859 (05 Aug 2009, IngoKappler)Edit Attach

Item1859: MenuListPlugin doesn't render any output

Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: MenuListPlugin
Reported By: IngoKappler
Waiting For:
Last Change By: IngoKappler
I've put the list into Sandbox.MenuTopic and then wrote in WebLeftBar:

...but nothing shows up.

Please find here the topic "source code" and a screenshot of the situation where the list definition and the MENULIST are used in the same topic:

---+ %SPACEOUT{"%TOPIC%"}%

   * Main.WebHome
      * Main.WikiUsers
   * Support.WebHome
      * Support.OrganizationalPortal
      * Support.PresalesPortal
      * Support.ProjectsPortal
      * Support.TechnicalPortal


Menu List: %MENULIST{topic="%BASEWEB%.MenuTopic"}%

Control entry: %BASEWEB%.MenuTopic

MenuListPlugin does not render.png
MenuListPlugin does not render any output

Used skin is pattern.

-- IngoKappler - 27 Jul 2009

can I say, doh.

Sorry, blinkered by the current use case, I'll go poke that.

the client I quickly wrote this for needed what is now quiet output

(done & uploaded)


-- SvenDowideit - 01 Aug 2009

Hey thanks, now it renders something. But seems it doesn't render everything. Putting this in MenuTopic...
   * Main.WebHome
      * Main.WikiUsers
   * Support.WebHome
      * Support.OrganizationalPortal
      * Support.PresalesPortal
      * Support.ProjectsPortal
      * Support.TechnicalPortal

...will render as (missing foldings, levels):
MenuListPlugin does not render foldings.png
MenuListPlugin does not render foldings

-- IngoKappler - 01 Aug 2009

from what you show, its working exactly like intended - the collapse mode (the default) will only show the leaves of the current topic (and back to the root of the menu).

perhaps you're wanting the full mode? if not, tell me more about what you're after smile

-- SvenDowideit - 02 Aug 2009

I am not sure I understand how it should exactly work. What I was looking for was the possibility to add a single entry to the WebLeftBar which could be folded/unfolded to show the configured sub entries. I didn't manage to get some subfolding visible in the WebLeftBar. If I defined a topic in MenuTopic and then browsed to it, it wasn't necessarily shown in the WebLeftBar, e.g. I defined in MenuTopic:
   * MenuTopic
   * WebLeftBar
   * VotePluginTests
      * VotePluginTestResults
   * Sandbox.TestTopic
   * Sandbox.TestTopic2

Then browsed to VotePluginTestResults and would expect to see this topic in the list. But the list shows:

MenuListPlugin behaviour1.png

I thought this should open up the tree at least until the topic one looks at, shouldn't it? I am under the impression that I only see the topics which are on the first level but not the ones any level further down.

-- IngoKappler - 04 Aug 2009

Sven, thanks for fixing it in the first place. smile I now implemented a simpler structure not using foldings in my WebLeftBar. So for now I gave up looking for a folding solution. I'd have liked to understand this plugin better but it seems to behave different from my expectations, so understanding it may have enabled me to possibly improve documentation.

Any case, I now closed this task again. smile

-- IngoKappler - 05 Aug 2009

ItemTemplate edit

Summary MenuListPlugin doesn't render any output
ReportedBy IngoKappler
Codebase 1.0.6
SVN Range Foswiki-1.0.0, Thu, 08 Jan 2009, build 1878
AppliesTo Extension
Component MenuListPlugin
Priority Normal
CurrentState Closed
Checkins MenuListPlugin:9f548160930e
TargetRelease n/a
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
MenuListPlugin_behaviour1.pngpng MenuListPlugin_behaviour1.png manage 9 K 04 Aug 2009 - 07:58 IngoKappler MenuListPlugin_behaviour1.png
MenuListPlugin_does_not_render.pngpng MenuListPlugin_does_not_render.png manage 6 K 27 Jul 2009 - 11:41 IngoKappler MenuListPlugin_does_not_render.png
MenuListPlugin_does_not_render_foldings.pngpng MenuListPlugin_does_not_render_foldings.png manage 8 K 01 Aug 2009 - 21:24 IngoKappler MenuListPlugin_does_not_render_foldings.png
Topic revision: r9 - 05 Aug 2009, IngoKappler
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