Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Closed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: TagsPlugin
- untag
- delete tag
- merge tag
- rename tag
including rest interfaces to call them via ajax.
Doing an initial perltidy. More will follow later...
OliverKrueger - 12 Aug 2009
Minor bugfix: flushing / committing changes to the dbms at the end of tagItems(). My (mysql) dbms does not show the data without this.
OliverKrueger - 12 Aug 2009
Making the automatic tagging of links to "Categories" and
DataForms optional.
OliverKrueger - 12 Aug 2009
Does anybody ever used the infos in UserTagStat? Its not that easy to keep uptodate in case of a merge. I would suggest to drop this table. The benefit of this table is minimal: Since a user A can add tag B on topic C only once, most counters are set to 1.
OliverKrueger - 16 Aug 2009
Refactoring "tag" rest handler.
Breaking backward compatibility a little bit: redirecting only explicit request from now on.
Adding a "user" parameter to allow tags in other user contextes (tags owned by groups).
OliverKrueger - 17 Aug 2009
I should release more often.
- Implemented the "afterRenameHandler". Added TAGSEARCH. Made TAGCLOUD disableable in order to utilize the
TagCloudPlugin. Working on jquery stuff in tagsplugin2 skin (just beginning). PS: I hope, I did not break anything yet.
OliverKrueger - 20 Aug 2009
Plan is to implement proper http status codes in case "no tag was actually changed" (deleted, untagged, merged...). I put the jquery frontend stuff into another (not yet published) contrib to keep this plugin clean.
OliverKrueger - 30 Aug 2009
- integrate UI elements for merge, delete and rename
- integrate UI elements for different tag-ownerships
- sanatize input data / make sql-injection harder
- test sqllite as dbi backend
- make TAGSEARCH smarter: add AND and OR to the query term vocabulary
OliverKrueger - 15 Sep 2009