Item2384: Access to VIEW Main.WebHome for BaseUserMapping_666 is denied

Priority: Normal
Current State: No Action Required
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Engine
Reported By: DanielAjoy
Waiting For: Main.DanielAjoy
Last Change By: OlivierRaginel
I described my problem much better here:

This is old:

This is what I'm getting in warn200911.txt

| 2009-11-19T22:29:16Z warning | AccessControlException: Access to VIEW Main.WebHome for BaseUserMapping_666 is denied. access not allowed on web at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ line 184.
 at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/CGI/ line 354
        CGI::Carp::realdie('AccessControlException: Access to VIEW Main.WebHome for BaseU...') called at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/CGI/ line 442
        CGI::Carp::die('Foswiki::AccessControlException=HASH(0x9068f8c)') called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ line 184
        Error::throw('Foswiki::AccessControlException', 'VIEW', 'BaseUserMapping_666', 'Main', 'WebHome', 'access not allowed on web') called at /home/owl/www/wiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 294
        Foswiki::Store::readTopicRaw('Foswiki::Store=HASH(0x902cfc8)', 'BaseUserMapping_666', 'Main', 'WebHome', 'undef') called at /home/owl/www/wiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 139
        Foswiki::Store::readTopic('Foswiki::Store=HASH(0x902cfc8)', 'BaseUserMapping_666', 'Main', 'WebHome', 'undef') called at /home/owl/www/wiki/lib/Foswiki/UI/ line 77
        Foswiki::UI::View::view('Foswiki=HASH(0x8ffb414)') called at /home/owl/www/wiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 304
        Foswiki::UI::__ANON__() called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ line 415
        eval {...} called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ line 407
        Error::subs::try('CODE(0x8e0fb98)', 'HASH(0x951bc8c)') called at /home/owl/www/wiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 391
        Foswiki::UI::_execute('Foswiki::Request=HASH(0x8ffaf58)', 'CODE(0x8ffacf4)', 'view', 1) called at /home/owl/www/wiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 275
        Foswiki::UI::handleRequest('Foswiki::Request=HASH(0x8ffaf58)') called at /home/owl/www/wiki/lib/Foswiki/Engine/ line 26
        Foswiki::Engine::CGI::run('Foswiki::Engine::CGI=HASH(0x8ef1610)') called at view line 45.

I had version 1.0.6 on FreeBSD and worked fined.

copied everything to Linux

  • Kernel version 2.6.18-164.el5
  • Apache version 2.2.14 (Unix)

and the problem started.

then I upgraded to 1.0.7 using

  • cp -R * ../foswiki

the problem continued.

I asked over our mailing list for support for you. -- MartinSeibert - 26 Nov 2009

This belongs in the Support web, but anyway... Best support is on IRC, as it's more real-time that wiki editing. So basically, we need to know more about your setup to be able to guess what the problem is. It seems your Main web is restricted, and the WikiGuest (I guess) account cannot view it. So, what we need is:
  • What login manager are you using?
  • Did you copy your users over?
  • Is your Main web restricted? If yes, to whom?
  • Are you logged in?

-- OlivierRaginel - 26 Nov 2009

What login manager are you using?


Did you copy your users over?

No. But I made sure that

{Htpasswd}{FileName} is /home/owl/etc/apache/htpasswd-wiki

and I created that file using

htpasswd -c htpasswd-wiki DanielAjoy

and the ~/www/wiki/bin/.htaccess says:

AuthUserFile /home/owl/etc/apache/htpasswd-wiki
AuthName 'Enter your WikiName: (First name and last name, no space, no dots, capitalized, e.g. JohnSmith). Cancel to register if you do not have one.'
AuthType Basic

Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks

Is your Main web restricted? If yes, to whom?


In WebPreferences

In StaffGroup

Are you logged in?

I can't even:

Foswiki detected an internal error - please check your Foswiki logs and webserver logs for more information.

AccessControlException: Access to VIEW Main.WebHome for BaseUserMapping_666 is denied. access not allowed on web

and the error log:

AccessControlException: Access to VIEW Main.WebHome for BaseUserMapping_666 is denied. access not allowed on web at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ line 184.
 at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/CGI/ line 354
        CGI::Carp::realdie('AccessControlException: Access to VIEW Main.WebHome for BaseU...') called at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/CGI/ line 442
        CGI::Carp::die('Foswiki::AccessControlException=HASH(0x95d0aec)') called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ line 184
        Error::throw('Foswiki::AccessControlException', 'VIEW', 'BaseUserMapping_666', 'Main', 'WebHome', 'access not allowed on web') called at /home/owl/www/wiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 294
        Foswiki::Store::readTopicRaw('Foswiki::Store=HASH(0x9598278)', 'BaseUserMapping_666', 'Main', 'WebHome', 'undef') called at /home/owl/www/wiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 139
        Foswiki::Store::readTopic('Foswiki::Store=HASH(0x9598278)', 'BaseUserMapping_666', 'Main', 'WebHome', 'undef') called at /home/owl/www/wiki/lib/Foswiki/UI/ line 77
        Foswiki::UI::View::view('Foswiki=HASH(0x91e1b88)') called at /home/owl/www/wiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 299
        Foswiki::UI::__ANON__() called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ line 415
        eval {...} called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ line 407
        Error::subs::try('CODE(0x937acd4)', 'HASH(0x9a95c94)') called at /home/owl/www/wiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 381
        Foswiki::UI::_execute('Foswiki::Request=HASH(0x9565f50)', 'CODE(0x9565cec)', 'view', 1) called at /home/owl/www/wiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 270
        Foswiki::UI::handleRequest('Foswiki::Request=HASH(0x9565f50)') called at /home/owl/www/wiki/lib/Foswiki/Engine/ line 26
        Foswiki::Engine::CGI::run('Foswiki::Engine::CGI=HASH(0x945c39c)') called at view line 45.

-- DanielAjoy - 27 Nov 2009

User made a Support Question337 as advised and advertised at the top of this bug report, therefore closing this bug with no action required, and helping user in the support question.

-- OlivierRaginel - 27 Nov 2009

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Access to VIEW Main for BaseUserMapping_666 is denied
ReportedBy DanielAjoy
Codebase 1.0.7
SVN Range Foswiki-1.0.7, Sun, 20 Sep 2009, build 5061
AppliesTo Engine
Priority Normal
CurrentState No Action Required
WaitingFor DanielAjoy
TargetRelease n/a
Topic revision: r6 - 27 Nov 2009, OlivierRaginel
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