You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item2455 (09 Nov 2010, MichaelDaum)Edit Attach

Item2455: With AliasPlugin enabled, edit throws 'takeOutBlocks called on undefinde value'

Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: AliasPlugin
Reported By: KerstinPuschke
Waiting For:
Last Change By: MichaelDaum
With AliasPlugin enabled, editing a topic outside System-Web fails:

Foswiki detected an internal error - please check your Foswiki logs and webserver logs for more information.

Can't call method "takeOutBlocks" on an undefined value

The problem persists if all plugins except AliasPlugin are disabled. Editing topics in the System Web works fine. Setting nowysiwyg=1 does not change anything. The problem occurs with AliasPlugin version 3.0 (Rev 5540 (2009-11-17)), it does not occur with version 2.40, ($Rev: 4415 (2009-07-03)).

For example, trying to edit the Topic Sandbox.WebNotify leads to the following messages in the error log:

Can't call method "takeOutBlocks" on an undefined value at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/ line 316.
 at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/ line 316
        Foswiki::Plugins::AliasPlugin::beforeEditHandler('%MAKETEXT{"This is a subscription service to be automatically...', 
'WebNotify', 'Sandbox', 'Foswiki::Meta=HASH(0x8a438ac)') called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/ line 273
        Foswiki::Plugin::invoke('Foswiki::Plugin=HASH(0x897765c)', 'beforeEditHandler', 
'%MAKETEXT{"This is a subscription service to be automatically...', 'WebNotify', 'Sandbox', 'Foswiki::Meta=HASH(0x8a438ac)') 
called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/ line 316
        Foswiki::Plugins::dispatch('Foswiki::Plugins=HASH(0x85c176c)', 'beforeEditHandler', 
'%MAKETEXT{"This is a subscription service to be automatically...', 'WebNotify', 'Sandbox', 'Foswiki::Meta=HASH(0x8a438ac)')
 called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/UI/ line 343
        Foswiki::UI::Edit::init_edit('Foswiki=HASH(0x8599de0)', 'edit') called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/UI/ line 44
        Foswiki::UI::Edit::edit('Foswiki=HASH(0x8599de0)') called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/ line 304
        Foswiki::UI::__ANON__() called at /usr/share/perl5/ line 380
        eval {...} called at /usr/share/perl5/ line 372
        Error::subs::try('CODE(0x82f83e0)', 'HASH(0x8a38cb0)') called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/ line 391
        Foswiki::UI::_execute('Foswiki::Request=HASH(0x859a164)', 'CODE(0x8599e64)', 'edit', 1) 
called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/ line 275
        Foswiki::UI::handleRequest('Foswiki::Request=HASH(0x859a164)') called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/Engine/ line 29
        Foswiki::Engine::CGI::run('Foswiki::Engine::CGI=HASH(0x833e960)') called

Reopened the task because the problem persists for Foswiki 1.0.9 and AliasPlugin 3.01 (Rev 6306 (2010-02-12)). The error message has slightly changed (line numbers etc.), see below. -- KerstinPuschke - 22 Feb 2010

Can't call method "takeOutBlocks" on an undefined value at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/ line 375.
 at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/ line 375
	Foswiki::Plugins::AliasPlugin::takeOutBlocks('%MAKETEXT{"This is a subscription service to be automatically...', 'verbatim', 'HASH(0x86f2d6c)') called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/ line 314
	Foswiki::Plugins::AliasPlugin::beforeEditHandler('%MAKETEXT{"This is a subscription service to be automatically...', 'WebNotify', 'Sandbox', 'Foswiki::Meta=HASH(0x9bbd9d0)') called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/ line 273
	Foswiki::Plugin::invoke('Foswiki::Plugin=HASH(0x8a37c20)', 'beforeEditHandler', '%MAKETEXT{"This is a subscription service to be automatically...', 'WebNotify', 'Sandbox', 'Foswiki::Meta=HASH(0x9bbd9d0)') called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/ line 316
	Foswiki::Plugins::dispatch('Foswiki::Plugins=HASH(0x83ef3c0)', 'beforeEditHandler', '%MAKETEXT{"This is a subscription service to be automatically...', 'WebNotify', 'Sandbox', 'Foswiki::Meta=HASH(0x9bbd9d0)') called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/UI/ line 343
	Foswiki::UI::Edit::init_edit('Foswiki=HASH(0x8594b94)', 'edit') called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/UI/ line 44
	Foswiki::UI::Edit::edit('Foswiki=HASH(0x8594b94)') called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/ line 304
	Foswiki::UI::__ANON__() called at /usr/share/perl5/ line 380
	eval {...} called at /usr/share/perl5/ line 372
	Error::subs::try('CODE(0x82f8238)', 'HASH(0x9babfb4)') called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/ line 391
	Foswiki::UI::_execute('Foswiki::Request=HASH(0x8594f18)', 'CODE(0x8594c18)', 'edit', 1) called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/ line 275
	Foswiki::UI::handleRequest('Foswiki::Request=HASH(0x8594f18)') called at /foswiki-dir/lib/Foswiki/Engine/ line 29
	Foswiki::Engine::CGI::run('Foswiki::Engine::CGI=HASH(0x833e7e4)') called

I'd like to add my $0.02 to this issue because I get the same error, although at the same line, some of the code is different. Not sure if it's relevant or not. But I'll post it anyway. -- BobCorless - 02 Sep 2010

| 2010-09-02T22:11:27Z warning | Can't call method "takeOutBlocks" on an undefined value at foswiki/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/ line 375.
 at foswiki/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/ line 375
   Foswiki::Plugins::AliasPlugin::takeOutBlocks('---+!! %TOPIC%\x{a}\x{a}<!-- Put your global aliases into this list. ...', 'verbatim', 'HASH(0x1d71ca0)') called at foswiki/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/ line 314
   Foswiki::Plugins::AliasPlugin::beforeEditHandler('---+!! %TOPIC%\x{a}\x{a}<!-- Put your global aliases into this list. ...', 'WebAliases', 'Sandbox', 'Foswiki::Meta=HASH(0x1d347c0)') called at foswiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 273
   Foswiki::Plugin::invoke('Foswiki::Plugin=HASH(0x155a900)', 'beforeEditHandler', '---+!! %TOPIC%\x{a}\x{a}<!-- Put your global aliases into this list. ...', 'WebAliases', 'Sandbox', 'Foswiki::Meta=HASH(0x1d347c0)') called at foswiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 316
   Foswiki::Plugins::dispatch('Foswiki::Plugins=HASH(0xce5680)', 'beforeEditHandler', '---+!! %TOPIC%\x{a}\x{a}<!-- Put your global aliases into this list. ...', 'WebAliases', 'Sandbox', 'Foswiki::Meta=HASH(0x1d347c0)') called at foswiki/lib/Foswiki/UI/ line 343
   Foswiki::UI::Edit::init_edit('Foswiki=HASH(0xa50e60)', 'edit') called at foswiki/lib/Foswiki/UI/ line 44
   Foswiki::UI::Edit::edit('Foswiki=HASH(0xa50e60)') called at foswiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 304
   Foswiki::UI::__ANON__() called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ line 415
   eval {...} called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ line 407
   Error::subs::try('CODE(0x8cafc0)', 'HASH(0x1d27810)') called at foswiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 391
   Foswiki::UI::_execute('Foswiki::Request=HASH(0xc9a020)', 'CODE(0xc99c10)', 'edit', 1) called at foswiki/lib/Foswiki/ line 275
   Foswiki::UI::handleRequest('Foswiki::Request=HASH(0xc9a020)') called at foswiki/lib/Foswiki/Engine/ line 29
   Foswiki::Engine::CGI::run('Foswiki::Engine::CGI=HASH(0xaa2030)') called at edit line 45.

Foswiki 1.1.0 (plus some patches from 1.1.1) and AliasPlugin Version 7677 (2010-06-07) works for me now.

-- KerstinPuschke - 22 Oct 2010

Even though editing normal topics works now, editing ACTIONTRACKER items is broken - see Item9888.

-- KerstinPuschke - 25 Oct 2010

Fixed in latest release.

-- MichaelDaum - 09 Nov 2010

ItemTemplate edit

Summary With AliasPlugin enabled, edit throws 'takeOutBlocks called on undefinde value'
ReportedBy KerstinPuschke
Codebase 1.0.9
SVN Range
AppliesTo Extension
Component AliasPlugin
Priority Normal
CurrentState Closed
Checkins AliasPlugin:d0db39345e41 AliasPlugin:b18f827f84af
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r9 - 09 Nov 2010, MichaelDaum
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