Item2460: Should either lock, or be able to survive several parallel runs without generating duplicate mails.
Priority: Normal
Current State: Confirmed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
MailerContrib docco links wich does not exist.
So I created it from
there's a script there who's code really should be
in MailerContrib - writing a support script to support a script is a bit redundant :/
rather than making locks, its actually simpler to make queues and to process sequentially..
if there is a mailnotify running, the second mailnotify writes a file with its params to its working dir.
When the original mailnotify has finished processing, it sees there is another operation queued, and so reads the params, deletes the file and processes them.
it might be simpler though to change
MailerContrib so that the news and changes options don't clobber each other..
SvenDowideit - 05 Dec 2009
Agreed, but I suspect locks are simpler. Mail notification can be run in several different ways, not just through the script.
CrawfordCurrie - 08 Dec 2009
Changed title from "we should not need a support script to prevent
MailerContrib from getting confused."