Priority: Normal
Current State: No Action Required
Released In:
Target Release: patch
Continuation of
Item2447 beyond 1.0.9 release.
- Applying formats such as heading, normal, literal etc. does not work at all in IE6.
- Applying formats is a little weird with
forced_root_block: false
in Safari and Chrome (applying a format, and then trying to apply another does not work: must click the cursor into the heading/formatted region before applying a subsequent format). Will be fixed by Item2471.
PaulHarvey - 29 Dec 2009
Foswiki 1.1 uses
TinyMCE 3.3.x which alleviates much of these problems with application of formats.
Won't fix for Foswiki 1.0.x, but it's mentioned in Known Issuse. Concentrating on 1.1
PaulHarvey - 12 Jul 2010