Priority: Normal
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: 1.1.0
Target Release: minor
Looks like
Item2447 isn't finished.
On Firefox 3.5 and perhaps others:
- Apply any non-heading format
- Click cursor to a normal/heading formatted region
- Click cursor back into verbatim/literal/protected region
- Observe that format select box doesn't match the formatting of the region where the cursor is (always 'Normal')
- Apply 'Normal' format
- No effect
Expected behaviour:
Formatted region should be returned to 'Normal' format
Thanks to
SteveJones for reporting this.
Downgraded to Normal, we need to release 1.0.9
PaulHarvey - 05 Jan 2010
Still OK to attempt fixing if the fix is not risky.
I just suggested that it should not gate 1.0.9 - and nnot needed for me to do a 1.0.9-RC1
KennethLavrsen - 05 Jan 2010
Set to
WaitingFor me as I think it may have been fixed in
Item9155 (needs testing)
PaulHarvey - 24 Jun 2010
This was indeed fixed as a result of work on
Item9155. Marking no-action (this task was already fixed for 1.0.10; it was fixed again for the new TinyMCE 3.3 in
PaulHarvey - 25 Jun 2010