Item2610: Skips HTML2TML when saving from WYSIWYG mode
Priority: Urgent
Current State: Closed
Released In: 1.1.0
Target Release: minor
- Trunk only
- TinyMCEPlugin is exactly the same, line for line between the two branches (except system topic)
- Symlinking to WysiwygPlugin from release branch fixes it. Odd :-/
PaulHarvey - 09 Jan 2010
WysiwygPlugin in trunk has its handlers (Eg.
) refactored into its own module,
WysiwygPlugin isn't doing the
HTML2TML on save.
Evidently we need to do something extra to get the Plugins API to fire these handlers at their new location.
PaulHarvey - 10 Jan 2010
WaitingFor CrawfordCurrie, these changes are related to reducing unnecessary
WysiwygPlugin overhead, and the simple fix I had in mind might kill the lazy-loading improvements.
PaulHarvey - 10 Jan 2010
Whoops, sorry about that
CrawfordCurrie - 19 Jan 2010
Other plugins (e.g. DirectedGraphPlugin) use Foswiki::Plugins::WysiwygPlugin::addXMLTag(), which was also removed. I am temporarily opening this task again to add a wrapper in
MichaelTempest - 20 May 2010