Item2662: We have bad breadcrumbs now because of the CategoryCategory topic used a parent
Priority: Urgent
Current State: Closed
Released In: 1.1.0
Target Release: minor
Applies To: Engine
Example of Breadcrumb
You are here: Foswiki > System Web > CategoryCategory > UserToolsCategory > UserRegistration (12 Sep 2009, ProjectContributor)
This is geek talk!
It has to be redone. It was better with no parent than this usability goof.
KennethLavrsen - 20 Jan 2010
The specific example above seems to have been rectified. Otherwise this report is opinion based and too vague for anyone but the reporter to address.
Maybe it's because I'm a geek, but when i browse through various topics in the System web I find the breadcrumbs are actually of value in that they give links to other topics that are of interest w.r.t the topic I'm reading. So without specifics, I don't think this can be classed as urgent.
Reclassifying as "Waiting for feedback".
CrawfordCurrie - 21 Jun 2010
Yes you are a geek. And so am I.
But with a minimal effort we can still act like normal.
There are still many examples left.
Another example is
AccessControl where the breadcrumb is Foswiki > System Web> CategoryCategory > UserDocumentationCategory > AccessControl. It is especially the CategoryCategory step which is idiotic and does not add any value. It has a bad geek name, it serves no purpose to the user navigating to it and it adds an extra length in the bread crumb. The parent of the System topics should lead back to a relevant parent. We can argue about which is the best parent out of several good examples. But CategoryCategory should never be one of the parents. And I also think the UserDocumentationCategory is a bad parent. Look carefully at
UserDocumentationCategory. It is a search which returns in most cases incomplete sentences. It should never be used as a parent. I will reparent these topics again.
I believe the reparenting was done to assist making some manu system for some. But that excuse is not a good enough reason to destroy the important breadcrumb navigation. And besides. If the menu system returns CategoryCategory > UserDocumentationCategory it is a lousy menu anyway.
Assigning this to myself. I need to get started again on contributing so I will take this.
KennethLavrsen - 22 Jun 2010
I eliminaned the CategoryCategory topic which in itself was a horrorble creature that gave no help to the one ending up on this topic.
And I gave the category topics a proper parent. We can always argue which parent is the best and feel free to choose a better one. The point was to get rid of the extra CategoryCategory link.
The breadcrumb is a vital navigation tool. I do not know why the CategoryCategory was introduced. I remember something about some menu system using it but we cannot let a single persons needs create a horror breadcrumb for nearly all topics in System web.
There is still more to do. The category topics are mostly generated by SEARCHes that return near garbage.
I will open a bug item to address this by itself.
KennethLavrsen - 27 Jun 2010
Re-opening as Kenneth removed the
CategoryCategory topic without removing it from MANIFEST.
OlivierRaginel - 28 Jun 2010