You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item277 (03 Dec 2008, ArthurClemens)Edit Attach
Move the part to the bottom right of the topic or shorten it or put it in the line below the new Topic history section at the top right (which is great by the way smile in order to reduce redundancy.
How would it be shortened? -- AC
This 'Bug' is complementary to Thomas complain in Item281. It's either leave the 'last author'-section at top right as before and but the 'topic history'-section to the bottom right of the action bar or try to get rid of the redundancy by combining both to something like:

  • _<authorname>_ edited on <date> - <time> -- r5 < r4 < r3 < r2 < r1 - Topic history
or something similar compact.

We should try to avoid distraction of the users by different lengths and positions of navigation elements. The 'Topic history'-section should consume always the same amount of space (needed for showing the latest five revisions (at most)) independent if it's new (only r1) or not.

I like the 'Topic history' at top, cause i don't need to scroll to bottom anymore to view the latest changes --> no need for 'to bottom'-link or End button.

What do you think? -- FJ
I have another wish for the newly designed 'edit':

  • Put the 'Edit settings' opposite (or next) to the 'Add form' button, cause they are similar concepts.
    • I can imagine that. But it is not possible to put the link next to the button, when a form is on the page where should the link be? So I decided to put it below the signature. -- AC
      • Strange, I thought we would (could) make the 'Add (Replace) form'-action an integrated part of the FORM itself, thus removing it from the edit TOPIC dialog at all. See this in the light of TWiki:Plugins.SectionalEditPlugin and its siblings and in the light of a future topic object model. -- FJ
      • Modifying of a form is something similar to attaching a file or changing the settings or a topic, these are all actions on the topic object. Maybe we can make them all part of the nice (tabbed) action bar at top, resp. the extended action bar at the bottom. -- FJ
  • Put the 'Show formatting help' twisty below (or into) the action bar (were it had been and belongs IMHO)
    • I think it belongs to the text area, that is where you need it. Imagine a new user, seeing the edit screen for the first time. It should not be far away. -- AC
      • Okay, it has to be near the edit form, that's okay, but the edit form should not jump around the screen, possibly dropping out at the bottom of the window on small screen resolutions. -- FJ
      • Your total design is too left oriented IMHO, look at the huge wihte space at the top and bottom right of the edit form. Maybe it's better to place the 'Show formatting help' where help infos are expected by most users, namely at the top right of the edit form. -- FJ

  • You're definitely on the right way in improving TWiki:Plugins.PatternSkin. I only wish it wouldn't have that much white space around the different sections, IMHO that's wasting space and not very useful for lower screen resolutions. -- FJ
    • Could you be more specific about which sections? -- AC
      • Well, if you use 1em instead the 2em margins whereever possible this would be a much more useful design at lower screen resolutions as well without losing its beauty. -- FJ
      • IMHO the most critical space loss is the broad margin between the WebLeftBar and the content pane, I had this reduced on my former companies internal TWiki without loss of user acceptance but with more space for content. -- FJ
      • Anyway, it already has become even more useful and more beautiful. Thumbs up! -- FJ

Valuable feedback! I will try to do something with these suggestions in the next days.

Suddenly I remembered why I had put the "Edit settings" at the top: consider the (current) situation that the link is below the textarea; if a user starts to edit the contents, and then thinks he needs to edit some settings too, he will be taken to the edit settings screen and after that to the view screen. So all his text changes are lost.

Putting the link at the top reduces (but does not elimate) this danger, because the settings will be changed first before the content is edited.

Of course this is wishful thinking, but of course it would be best if clicking on "Edit settings" first saves the content. Is this possible? -- AC
Just had the following idea: is it possible to switch off/on the WebLeftBar via the new twisty mechanism? -- FJ
No, some margins have to set as well. See TWiki:TWiki.PatternSkinCustomization. -- AC
I know the TWiki:TWiki.PatternSkinCustomization tricks but I don't like them. wink It would be great if the WebLeftBar (and possibly other areas of the layout) would be twistable. -- FJ
The only way I know to do this is to put the left bar and the content in a table, and then set the columns to display:none; (with css or twisty). -- AC
Well, then let us close or discard this (for now). -- FJ

Undeferred, post Dakar CC

Setting this as enhancement.

-- TWiki:Main.SteffenPoulsen - 17 Sep 2007

Closing old content.

-- ArthurClemens - 03 Dec 2008

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Proposal for the 'new' layout of the TWiki:Plugins.PatternSkin for Dakar (Develop)
ReportedBy TWiki:Main.FranzJosefSilli
SVN Range
AppliesTo Extension
Component PatternSkin
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState No Action Required
Checkins 6103
TargetRelease major
Topic revision: r17 - 03 Dec 2008, ArthurClemens
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