You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item2941 (03 Sep 2015, GeorgeClark)Edit Attach
Just using that item so that I can check in changes in Subverion. For more information please visit TreeBrowserPluginDev and TreeBrowserPlugin.

The example with 'open all' and 'close all' could maybe be better use d1.closeAll() instead of tree.closeAll(), which didn't work for me at least, until I checked the page source and took a guess. I assume others would do like me and do copy paste of the code. Just a thought.

-- LarsEik - 03 Nov 2009

This task seems to be gathering work on a number of extensions. Released TreeBrowserPlugin, so closing task.

-- Main.GeorgeClark - 03 Sep 2015 - 03:23
Topic revision: r31 - 03 Sep 2015, GeorgeClark
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