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Item331: Func broken when called via TWikiCompatibilityPlugin

Priority: Urgent
Current State: Closed
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Applies To: Engine
Reported By: MichaelDaum
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Last Change By: OlivierRaginel
For instance registerRESTHandler() has got a my $plugin = caller; in it ... which returns Func as the caller is the Func bridge of the TWikiCompatibilityPlugin for old TWiki plugins. The other Func methods might be broken as well when they are called via TWikiCompatibilityPlugin and have a caller in it.

Something like $plugin = caller(1) if $plugin eq 'TWiki::Func'; would fix it, but I can imagine that this all gets terribly inefficient. Most probably the Func bridge needs to be redesigned.

-- MichaelDaum - 28 Nov 2008

Well, "redesigned" might be a bit of overkill. It's simple enough to equivalence the few methods that use caller.

Re-opening the bug to make the alias alias only the function, as per:

Note for self: why not re-write all other functions too, aliases are quicker than function calls, and we're not using them anyway.

-- OlivierRaginel - 05 Dec 2008

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Func broken when called via TWikiCompatibilityPlugin
ReportedBy MichaelDaum
SVN Range TWiki-4.2.3, Wed, 06 Aug 2008, build 17396
AppliesTo Engine
Priority Urgent
CurrentState Closed
Checkins distro:b9db1ab363cf distro:8d15141eac2c distro:d620f5611f10
Topic revision: r7 - 05 Dec 2008, OlivierRaginel
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