Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Closed
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
I suggest adding to
FormQueryPlugin functionalities like
in the
DBCacheContrib style.
The documentation should be updated accordingly.
Possible solution
FormQueryPlugin owner please review and comment. I would be happy to check-in and release those changes even though I'm not familiar with that process.
Item3525 also needs
FormQueryPlugin documentation update. Is there some test code I should run? How?
TWiki:Main.StephaneLenclud - 30 Jan 2007
Those are both reasonable changes.
Yes, there are a set of unit tests that are run when you
in the extension directory. You have to have
BuildContrib pseudo-installed, and Test::Unit installed in your perl.
I'd be happy to run those tests and check in for you, but on on the condition that you:
- provide documentation
- add at least one unit test for each function point
TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie - 25 Apr 2007
Has Stephane written unit tests before? It is not easy to learn to set up if you are not a very skilled programmer and you need a little help to get started. I still do not know how it works and I could not write a unit test from scratch.
TWiki:Main.KennethLavrsen - 25 Apr 2007
I improved the doc - see
Ok thanks. I won't get a chance to get involved with unit test any time soon I'm afraid.
TWiki:Main.StephaneLenclud - 26 Apr 2007
Then the features won't go in any time soon, I'm afraid.
No probs Crawford. At the same time it's only 10 lines change that could easily have been included today as you published a new version of
FormQueryPlugin. If the existing unit test are not broken that's already good enough to include those changes right? Then we could leave that bug open so that unit test specific for that functionality could be implemented as soon as I get a chance to do it.
TWiki:Main.StephaneLenclud - 27 Apr 2007
I put the formatTime thing in, thanks for the patch. createdate was already there.
CrawfordCurrie - 07 Apr 2009