Item388: Rebrand LatexModePlugin
Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In:
Target Release:
Applies To: Extension
ScottHoge - 04 Dec 2008 - 02:15:34
This looks pretty much finished, but you never uploaded the plugin to the repository, therefore nobody can use it.
Scott, is this finished or not? If it is, please upload it and close this task.
OlivierRaginel - 13 May 2009
Finished, but not sufficiently tested to my liking. Could be released, but I don't have any time to respond to bug reports lately.
If the issue is an 'open task', it can be closed with sufficient explanation.
ScottHoge - 13 May 2009
Finally, after (too) many long months, I've managed to release the rebranded plugin. Enjoy.
ScottHoge - 28 Aug 2009