Item4514: Deleting attachment results with: "Attachment already exists in new topic"
Priority: Low
Current State: Confirmed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: major
When my user deletes an attachment, he gets "Attachment already exists in new topic". Investigation finds that an attachment by that name already exists in the
TrashAttachment topic.
My workaround is to delete the old attachment permanently from the filesystem, and editing the metadata files.
Suggest that attachment files can be renamed automatically when a conflict happens. I understand that this would probably open a big can of worms...
TWiki:Main/AndrewPope - 28 Aug 2007
Setting this as enhancement.
TWiki:Main.SteffenPoulsen - 17 Sep 2007
This thing can really slow things down during starting of a new twiki when you delete a lot of stuff
TWiki:Main.GalSisso - 16 Oct 2007
I think the delete action should take different action than moving. When you delete the deleted item should be renamed if there is a name clash by appending _1 _2 _3 etc. Same with deleting topics.
This is more a bug than an enhancement because it should never be impossible to delete a topic or an attachment. But with low priority. Can easily wait to 5.0
TWiki:Main.KennethLavrsen - 16 Oct 2007
I got around it by deleting the pub/Trash and data/Trash directories and then copying the originals from the TWiki-4.1.2.tgz archive (warning: completely empties the trash).
TWiki:Main.AlexPB - 16 Nov 2007