You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item4627 (28 Apr 2010, PaulHarvey)Edit Attach

Item4627: TagMePlugin fails to parse Tasks for subwebs

Priority: Normal
Current State: Confirmed
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: TagMePlugin
Reported By: TWiki:Main.BobGoldstein
Waiting For:
Last Change By: PaulHarvey
-- TWiki:Main/BobGoldstein - 14 Sep 2007

tpaction=showalltags or tpaction=query suggest that I can include: web="Tasks" to limit the search

to the current web. However, for subwebs, Tasks returns "BigWeb/SubWeb", whereas TagMePlugin

likes to think of this as "BigWeb.SubWeb", since that is how it constructs filenames.

As a temp fix, you could insert:

$qWeb =~ s!/!.!g;

after lines 354 and 517.

Personally, it would make more sense to me to structure the tag files in parallel

with the webs, and use real directories, and make the tags per-web instead of global.

TagMePlugin has aged poorly.

Applied the above change, but there are other places where there needs to be some sort of audit to fix up all the places where web= parameter is parsed and blindly compared against the web.subweb.subsubweb from that TAGME uses internally.

-- PaulHarvey - 28 Apr 2010

ItemTemplate edit

Summary TagMePlugin fails to parse Tasks for subwebs
ReportedBy TWiki:Main.BobGoldstein
SVN Range TWiki-4.2.0, Sat, 08 Sep 2007, build 14780
AppliesTo Extension
Component TagMePlugin
Priority Normal
CurrentState Confirmed
Checkins TagMePlugin:bd19722f58eb
TargetRelease n/a
Topic revision: r2 - 28 Apr 2010, PaulHarvey
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