You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item4966 (25 Jan 2009, ArthurClemens)Edit Attach
In PersonalInfoAddOn: when using Change Picture and uploading a file, the filename was somehow set to %FILENAME% and then sanitised to FILENAME. I tracked the problem to use of view rather than attach on the Upload a New Picture link in PersonInfoPictureViewTemplate. I changed:
href="%SCRIPTURL{view}%/%BASEWEB%/%BASETOPIC%?template=PersonalInfoPictureUploadView">%MAKETEXT{"Upload a new one"}%</a></div><!--/piUploadNew-->%TMPL:END%
href="%SCRIPTURL{attach}%/%BASEWEB%/%BASETOPIC%?template=PersonalInfoPictureUploadView">%MAKETEXT{"Upload a new one"}%</a></div><!--/piUploadNew-->%TMPL:END%

but did not notice the template parameter. I made a trial fix, changing
        $tmpl = $session->templates->readTemplate( 'attachnew', $skin );
        $tmpl = $session->templates->readTemplate($query->param( 'template' ) ||  'attachnew', $skin );
It worked, but I't's not a complete fix and I don't know whether attach should honour template parameters.

And I'm sorry if I should have reported this elsewhere. Just let me know.

-- TWiki:Main/JohnMurphy - 14 Nov 2007

I don't see that bug with Foswiki.

-- ArthurClemens - 25 Jan 2009

ItemTemplate edit

Summary PersonalInfoAddOn - change picture upload - filename is always REGISTER
ReportedBy TWiki:Main.JohnMurphy
SVN Range
AppliesTo Extension
Component PersonalInfoAddOn
Priority Normal
CurrentState No Action Required
TargetRelease minor
Topic revision: r3 - 25 Jan 2009, ArthurClemens
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