Priority: Urgent
Current State: No Action Required
Released In:
Target Release:
- Edit some topic
- Then mark some word
- click on "create link"
You should get a empty popup with some JS errors.
Tested on
- trunk on
- trunk locally
I seems like the
TinyMCE instance gets lost. It could be some other Js-Frameworkj overriding $, while i could not find any jquery or prototype inclusion. Needs more debuging
I cannot reproduce this
KennethLavrsen - 18 Dec 200
Cannot reproduce this either, so
OlivierRaginel - 18 Dec 2008
Ok, so if you use
AdBlocker plus with the list "Lisa Basa" ( ) your popups wont work. As i think this list is useless anyway and used rarely or never, i put this "bug" on no actions required. Thanks for the debugging guys