Item5660: Plugin does not work with 4.2
Priority: Normal
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
During install on 4.2 I get an error about a missing 'findUsers' method.
After install, the plugin does not work.
I am getting this Javascript error in Firefox when I view the topic:
missing ) after argument list
Line 105
What's your server and client environment? (Win32? Linux?) What topic are you trying to view? What's the code on that topic?
TWiki:Main.StephaneLenclud - 28 May 2008
Server: RHEL Client: Ubuntu.
Code is just the 'Basic' example from the plugin page. I also tried the same code with just a plain list without links or variables, and I got the same.
TWiki:Main.DaveThompsonAnother - 29 May 2008
This appears similar or identical to
Item5442, and is also described at It may be a serious issue.
TWiki:Main.RasmusPraestholm - 17 Jun 2008
Doesn't seem to be broken on Foswiki. Setting to no action
Main.GeorgeClark - 03 Sep 2015 - 03:21