Item5768: "OK" button in star votes serves no purpose

Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: VotePlugin
Reported By: TWiki:Main.LynnwoodBrown
Waiting For: TWiki:Main.LynnwoodBrown
Last Change By: WillNorris
It appears that the star voting gets submitted as soon as one clicks on a star so the "OK" button serves no purpose other than to confuse the user.

Possible fixes:

  • Remove the "OK" button on star voting.
  • Add autosubmit option. If set to "on" then star vote works as presently (vote submitted upon clicking on star) and "OK" button not displayed. If set to "off" then "OK" button is displayed and must be clicked to register vote. This option would be useful for polls that have multiple items to vote on.

-- TWiki:Main/LynnwoodBrown - 10 Jul 2008

By "star vote" I assume you mean a rating. Ratings do not display an OK button. Can you please paste in the %VOTE here, so can understand?


-- CrawfordCurrie - 06 Aug 2008

As you pointed out yesterday, a single star-rating does not display the OK button since it submits automatically upon selection. So perhaps the simplest solution is having auto-submit not apply for any voting with more than one vote item.

-- TWiki:Main.LynnwoodBrown - 07 Aug 2008

Took a deal of experimenting, but I found a really simple way to do it.

-- CrawfordCurrie - 07 Aug 2008

closed; waiting for release is only used for core + shipped plugins.

-- WillNorris - 25 Nov 2009

ItemTemplate edit

Summary "OK" button in star votes serves no purpose
ReportedBy TWiki:Main.LynnwoodBrown
SVN Range TWiki-5.0.0, Mon, 30 Jun 2008, build 16955
AppliesTo Extension
Component VotePlugin
Priority Normal
CurrentState Closed
WaitingFor TWiki:Main.LynnwoodBrown
Checkins TWikirev:17361
TargetRelease n/a
Topic revision: r6 - 25 Nov 2009, WillNorris
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