Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In:
Target Release:
Applies To: Engine
cannot configure after
LocalSite.cfg is created and
maybe browser has been close ( no clue.. )
- delete LocalSite.cfg
- run configure
- save
- close browser
-> Now try to run configure and you should get this error
- ShortUrls
- Apache2 + default CGI
- Installed some plugins
The "TWiki" web does not exist
A Foswiki site is divided into webs; each one represents one subject, one area of collaboration. You are trying to 'view' in a web that does not exist.
If you came here by clicking on a question mark link
A link to a topic located in another web is written like TopicName. Make sure that the name of the web is not spelt wrongly on the previous page; fix the link if necessary.
If you would like to create this web
You can create a new web if you have permission. Contact 0 if you have any questions.
-- Foswiki:Main.EugenMayer
I cannot reproduce this with normal extensions.
It must be related to using TWiki Compatibility Plugin with or without TWiki name space plugins.
Can't reproduce it anymore, seems to be fixed.