Item5923: CSS and Doc errors for Headlines

Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Needs Developer
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: HeadlinesPlugin
Reported By: TWiki:Main.VickiBrown
Waiting For:
Last Change By: GeorgeClark
HeadlinesPlugin includes a section on Style sheets

---++ Style sheets
The default HEADER and FORMAT settings use the following styles. See the 
[[%ATTACHURL%/style.css][style.css]] file  defining the default CSS properties  
(indentation illustrates enclosure).

   * headlinesRss: output of the HeadlinesPlugin (div)
      * headlinesChannel: channel header (div)
         * headlinesLogo: channel logo (div)
         * headlinesTitle: channel title (div)
         * headlinesDate: channel date (div)
         * headlinesDescription: channel description (div)
         * headlinesRight: channel copyright (div)
      * headlinesArticle: one news item (div)
         * headlinesTitle: article title (div)
         * headlinesDate: article date (span)
         * headlinesCreator: author of article (span)
         * headlinesSubject: subect category of the article (span)
         * headlineText: article text (div)

  1. That last line should say headlinesText (with an s); at least, that's what shows up in View Source
  2. Neither headlineText nor headlinesText is present in the CSS file
  3. Although the style.css file was installed into my pub/ tree, it does not appear as an attachment to the HeadlinesPlugin topic
-- TWiki:Main/VickiBrown - 13 Aug 2008

See also FeedPlugin. This plugin is no longer maintained. Needs a developer to volunteer.

-- Main.GeorgeClark - 25 Sep 2016 - 19:27

ItemTemplate edit

Summary CSS and Doc errors for Headlines
ReportedBy TWiki:Main.VickiBrown
SVN Range TWiki-5.0.0, Mon, 11 Aug 2008, build 17408
AppliesTo Extension
Component HeadlinesPlugin
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState Needs Developer
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r2 - 25 Sep 2016, GeorgeClark
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