Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Confirmed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Documentation needs example in SUM showing use in a form generated table.
format="| [[$topic][$formfield(Name)]] | $formfield(ReadershipImpact) | $formfield(RevenueImpact) | $percntCALC{$SUM(R$ROW(0):C$COLUMN(-2)..R$ROW(0):C$COLUMN(-1))}$percnt | $formfield(BusinessPriority) | $formfield(ProgrammingComplexity) | $summary |" }%
As neither the $percnt or the Row:Column syntax are obvious
I'd have made the changes but, as per,Tue:
[6:31pm] MartinCleaver: Shame t.o. people can't edit plugin topics on t.o any more
[6:31pm] MartinCleaver: I just hit the note "This topic is part of the documentation for SpreadSheetPlugin and is
[6:31pm] MartinCleaver: automatically generated from Subversion. Do not edit it! Your edits
[6:31pm] MartinCleaver: will be lost the next time the topic is uploaded!"
[6:32pm] PeterThoeny__: a fully agree with your martin
[6:32pm] PeterThoeny__: this statement at the top of every plugin discourages doc improvements